Exciting News - We are moving!
We are excited to announce that after over 75 years of business in our current office, we are relocating to a new office on July 26th 2021! Not to worry though, West Alexandria has been our home since the beginning and, with this move, it will continue to be our home for many years to come! The new office will be located at 55 E Dayton St. For those of you in, around or familiar with West Alexandria, this is the old Eaton National Bank building on State Route 35 across from Peace Park – just a few blocks east of our current office.
As part of our move, we will need to close our office down for a few days to get everything over to the new office. So please note, we will be closed on Thursday, July 22nd & Friday, July 23rd. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause but wanted you to be aware so you could try to let us know of any needs prior to those days.
Our current office has worked well for us over the years, but we had a great opportunity to relocate down the street and jumped at the opportunity. The move will give us many new things including updated office space, a dedicated parking lot for our clients & staff and more. We are very proud of our new office space and would love for you to come check it out! We have completely remodeled the interior and added some offices on the side of the building to accommodate our team. Please stop in if you’re in the area to check out the new space!
Everything about our office will remain the same including all phone numbers and contacts, we will just have a new home. We will work with the post office to make sure all mail is forwarded to our new location during this transition. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you might have about this move and we will assist in any way we can!