Inclement Weather and Insurance Contact Info

With the possibility of inclement weather due to this week's snowstorm, we wanted to remind everyone of the multiple avenues to contact us, or your carriers, in the event our office is closed. Our office can always be reached using our emergency phone number of 937-839-4661, Option #1. You can also reach Brad Unger via email at, Rick Pickerell can be reached via email at:
If you are in need of submitting a claim directly to your carrier, you can do so at the following phone numbers:
Cincinnati Insurance Company: 888-242-8811
Westfield: 877-787-9078
Auto-Owners: 517-323-1200
Donegal: 800-877-0600
Progressive: 800-776-4737
Ohio Mutual Insurance Group: 888-895-7725
Keystone National: 570-746-9545
Safeco: 800-332-3226
We hope that all of you are well prepared and safe during any potential inclement weather. If you are in need of any insurance help, don't hesitate to contact us at one of these options.